1. Keyless entry:
The sheer convenience of keyless entry is unparalleled. Keypad locks simply eliminate the need to carry a big bunch of keys all day long. All of us have experienced the trauma of struggling with carrying many shopping bags and at the same time, trying to extract the house keys from some remote pocket. Worse is that sense of panic that sets in when late in the night, you realize that you have lost your house keys and need a locksmith to get you into your home.
With keyless entry, those problems are history. Now all you have to do is punch in your security code, just like in an ATM and you are quickly and safely inside your home.
2. Better home security:
Keypad locks use best-of-breed technology, and that makes it every intruder’s nightmare. Because it’s impossible for them to break into your home as they cannot second guess your security code. So, most burglars steer clear of keypad locks.
3. Ideal for families with young children:
I guess we have all been through this scenario, at some point in our lives. We get a frantic call from our kids when we are at work. They have come back from school and realize that they have lost the house keys and are locked out of the home. With keypad locks, you don’t have to worry about something like that happening, ever again. Your kids just have to punch in the security code and they are in.
4. Regularly change your security codes:
It’s always advisable that you regularly change the security codes for keypad locks. This ensures that your home is well protected from intruders.
5. More durable and long-lasting:
As a result of constant, daily usage, regular locks, over time will get worn out and you will need to replace them. And that’s quite an expensive proposition. Keypad locks, on the other hand, do not wear out like conventional locks and need literally no maintenance. So in the long run, it is certainly a more cost-effective solution than conventional locks.
Contact Public Locksmith Inc. for installing keypad locks in your home:
Keypad locks offer a wide range of benefits, from enhanced security to easy accessibility. If you are based anywhere in Miami and are considering switching to keypad locks, all you have to do is call us at 305-450-0786 and our security consultants will come over and take care of everything for you.